Field Notes: Resources to Cultivate & Motivate

Teachings and tips for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.

Mental Health | Human Rights | Parenting & Child

Supporting Physician Wellbeing
Suzan Song Suzan Song

Supporting Physician Wellbeing

Physicians are facing enormous burdens due to the pandemic and related life changes. With physician suicide twice that of the general population, it’s clear that physicians often feel alone in bearing the burden. Please reach out to the Physician Support Line - we are here specifically for you.

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Are we depressed? Or demoralized
Mental health Suzan Song Mental health Suzan Song

Are we depressed? Or demoralized

Many are talking about the mental health problems created by the pandemic, with fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, and suicide rates increasing. But many people are not depressed - we are demoralized, but it’s a term our society doesn’t talk much about. Here are ways to manage demoralization.

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Advanced asylum considerations
Human Rights Suzan Song Human Rights Suzan Song

Advanced asylum considerations

For many asylum seekers, having a psychological evaluation that shows the effects of persecution and migration on mental and emotional health can be useful in the legal proceedings for asylum. Feel free to watch my presentation to UCSF’s Health and Human Rights Initiative conference.

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Managing election anxiety
Mental health Suzan Song Mental health Suzan Song

Managing election anxiety

With the election less than a week away, many are holding both the anxiety about the future of this country, with constant media coverage, uncertainty, and a heated and volatile election. Here are some ways to help manage election anxiety

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Building confidence
Mental health Suzan Song Mental health Suzan Song

Building confidence

Whether we have a job interview, are going on a date, or asking for a job promotion, there are times when we feel insecure and could use a boost of confidence. Here are practical ways to quickly feel more confident.

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Having difficult conversations about disappointment
Parenting & Child Suzan Song Parenting & Child Suzan Song

Having difficult conversations about disappointment

there is a lot of disappointment in this year. Weddings postponed, funerals unattended. Birthday parties and playdates cancelled. A wedding is not just an event, it’s symbolic, takes lots of planning, and behind the event hides the desire to be celebrated and to share love among your closest circle. For kids, sleepover parties and teenage trips are cancelled, leaving many disappointed. Here are a few tips on how we can talk to family and friends, about our decisions to cancel these events that all have so much meaning behind them.

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